Home New journey with Java dev

New journey with Java dev

This will be a story about what I did in the way from nearly zero expreience in Java dev to a expert in this field. I will constantly update the new resources and courses, also references related to the Java dev into this article.

Background knowledge:

Step by step

  • Go through Java syntax cheat sheet

  • Completed 20 challenges from 30 days of code-hackerrank

  • Create my first CRUD app following this short tutorial

  • Short article, REST hello world

  • (Have to pay for pro lessons) Involve into the beginner course Building a REST API with Spring Boot
    • Spring and Spring boot
    • API contract & Json
    • Test first - TDD (Red, Green, Refactor)
    • Request and Response
    • Spring controller and mapping, path variable
    • TestRestTemplate & ResponseEntity -> test in local
    • CrudRepository and in-memory database(H2)
    • Spring Auto Configuration automatically starts configure H2 database -> base on CrudRepository
    • Create Repository from CrudRepository<Data,Id>
    • Can use function from interface repository to get the data
    • Automatically executed the sql in test/resources in run test
    • The test will run even the fact that CashCardController required a bean of type ‘CashCardRepository’ that could not be found.
    • Idempotent operation -> the responses are the same for any request
    • HTTP response (status code + header)
    • Pagination in API response & sorted order -> PagingAndSortingRepository PageRequest Sort
    • Spring Security and authentication with Filter chain
    • Authentication and Authorization -> Role-Based Access Control
    • Same Origin Policy -> scripts which are contained in a web page are allowed to send requests to the origin
    • Cross-Origin Request Sharing (CORS) -> explicitly allow a list of “allowed origins
    • Cross-Site Request Forgery -> CSRF Token (unique token is generated on each request)
    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) -> escape the special characters
  • Official course Spring with Kotlin
    • Initializr HTTP API
    • Maven/Gradle -> plugins, dependencies
    • Set up application.properties
    • Understanding generated application -> Application with main{runApplication}
    • Writing controller to handle request(Http, Html)
    • Using mustache to configure HTML repsonse (ui.Model)
    • Junit5 @BerforeAll @AfterAll TestRestTemplate
    • Create custom extension function
    • Persist data with JPA -> allOpen plugin
    • Create entity @GeneratedValue, @ManyToOne
    • Extend interface CrudRespository
    • DataJpaTest with TestEntityManager
    • Use model to render the webpage
    • Data initialization to a new BlogConfiguration -> @Bean ApplicationRunner{}
    • Intefrattion test with @SpringBootTest
    • @WebMvcTest @ExtendWith() @ContextConfiguration @MockkBean
    • Configure the properites -> @ConfigurationProperties(“blog”)
    • @EnableConfigurationProperties(BlogProperties::class) & application.properties
    • custom properties application.properties
  • Building REST services with Spring
    • A simple payroll service that manages the employees of a company
    • H2 in-memory database & JPA
    • Spring MVC layer
    • By extending EmployeeRepository from JpaRepository/CrudRepository -> CRUD
    • @SpringBootApplication: meta-annotation that pulls in component scanning, autoconfiguration, and property support
    • Preload with @Configuration and @Bean of CommandLineRunner -> automatically run those commands/types
    • @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping and @DeleteMapping
    • @ControllerAdvice -> to redner HTTP response message
    • What makes something RESTful: pretty url + get,post,put + crud -> still NOT enough
    • If the engine of application state (and hence the API) is not being driven by hypertext, then it cannot be RESTful and cannot be a REST -> use LinkBuilder such as: HATEOAS. Then will response not only the data but _link !!!Not useful from my current view
    • @Component annotation, the assembler will be automatically created when the app starts.
    • Never delete a column in a database. — Unknown
    • Insert(a:A,b:B,c:C) or insert(o: Object)
  • Go through Spring start here
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